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429 觀看次數 • July 16, 2022

《晚安曲》大提琴演奏Cello cover 『cover by YoYo Cello』

YoYo Cello
YoYo Cello
《Good Night》 is a Mandarin song written and composed by Steven Liu (劉家昌), a well-known Taiwanese lyricist and composer. Fei Yu-ching is the lead singer. It was originally a "received song" played by a Taiwanese CTV company during the daily program broadcast. The English meaning of his lyrics is as follows: "Let's say good night to each other Say goodbye to this hurried day It is worth remembering, please cherish it What should be forgotten should not be missed Let's say good night to each other Welcome the new tomorrow Grasp that good future Cherish your splendid life May you walk into sweet dreams Have a peaceful night Good night see you tomorrow Let's say good night to each other welcome the new tomorrow Grasp that good future Cherish your splendid life May you walk into sweet dreams have a peaceful night Good night see you tomorrow" ********************************* More information about YoYo: Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/user/yoyo0132365/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoyo_cello/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yoyocello For any performances invitation, please do inbox my Instagram or email me at: yoyo132365@yahoo.com.tw Your donations are welcomed and needed which is most helpful to me in making a good MV for you. Thank you for your support! Opay pays|https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/BCAFF9E9D687672949A6A3D73A281151 PayPal| https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wuyoyocello?locale.x=zh_TW (Remittance) CATHAY UNITED BANK (013) SWIFT CODE: UWCBTWTP Beneficiacry: DENGKAI WU Account No.: 115087073299 (For USD)
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