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2,434 觀看次數 • May 7, 2021

英國人不做的5件事 🙅

以下是我在台灣常常做,來到英國後發現大部分英國人不做的5件事!繼上次的「英國人不做的8件事」影片之後,這幾個月在英國生活又有了新發現,也算是小小文化衝擊吧。不管你是留學生、想來英國旅行,想融入英國生活,或是對英國文化感興趣都好,也許可以稍微參考一下這個影片~當然這些觀察非常主觀,不管認同或不認同,都歡迎留言跟我討論和分享你的看法! *** 按右下角的CC開啟字幕功能 *** 1. 不喝熱水 2. 不吃熱的三明治 3. 不輕易吃掉最後一塊食物 4. 結帳慢慢來 ~ 不給時間壓力 5. 比較少插嘴 ------------------------------------------------------------ 關於最後提到的 Intercultural Training,如果你有興趣了解更多內容的話,以下是我擷取的一小段! Silence! Pauses, silence and tone of voice are all categorized under the non-verbal channels of communication. Intonation patterns carry a lot of meaning in English. In fact, this is a high-context aspect of the way English is used. Various other languages stress all syllables equally; for speakers of those languages the meaning carried by stress in English is not transparent. Nb. Silence is understood to mean silence as used deliberately to communicating something (disagreement, for example). The length of pauses – during conversations in person but also on the phone – is tolerated differently according to cultural preferences. * 每週一晚上8點固定更新+週五不固定更新 * 訂閱頻道: https://www.youtube.com/c/coffeeteajane * 我的臉書: https://www.facebook.com/CoffeeTeaJane/ * 推薦不膩之你們有機會一定去看的演出💛 https://www.shenyunperformingarts.org/ * 這不是一個贊助影片 This video is not sponsored. -
評論 1